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Safety valve manufacturing industry presents good development prospects

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With the development of various industries, the variety and specifications of safety valves are also increasing, and there are more and more industries applying safety valves, such as petrochemical industry, oil refining industry, nuclear power industry, thermal power industry, etc. are widely used. With the development of various industries, the variety and specifications of safety valves are also increasing, and there are more and more industries applying safety valves, such as petrochemical industry, oil refining industry, nuclear power industry, thermal power industry, etc. are widely used.

Analysts pointed out that the market size of the safety valve industry in 2013 has expanded significantly compared with last year. In terms of demand, the safety valve demand market is 20 percentage points higher than last year. However, China's safety valve industry has low production concentration, low-end valve R & D capabilities for high-end products, and low manufacturing technology levels in the valve industry.
With the development of various industries, the variety and specifications of safety valves are also increasing, and there are more and more industries applying safety valves, such as petrochemical industry, oil refining industry, nuclear power industry, thermal power industry, etc. are widely used. With the development of various industries, the variety and specifications of safety valves are also increasing, and there are more and more industries applying safety valves, such as petrochemical industry, oil refining industry, nuclear power industry, thermal power industry, etc. are widely used.
Analysts pointed out that the market size of the safety valve industry in 2013 has expanded significantly compared with last year. In terms of demand, the safety valve demand market is 20 percentage points higher than last year. However, China's safety valve industry has low production concentration, low-end valve R & D capabilities for high-end products, and low manufacturing technology levels in the valve industry.
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